Political Perspectives on 4/15/09



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Wed, 04/15/2009 - 5:00pm
Interview: Ronault L.S. Catalani, author of Counter Culture; immigrant stories from Portland cafe counters

Host Linda Olson-Osterlund interviews Ronault L.S. Catalani, author, poet immigrant rights attorney and the the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Coordinator. In his evocative new book Catalani also known as "Polo" writes a series of essays from familiar cafes. Each one gives a new and startlingly intimate experience of one mans life as an immigrant. The interview springboards from the book to the political forces underpinning his experience of "Ethnic Cleansing" to the effects of those forces in the life of refugees today. The wide ranging discussion touched on the value of war crimes tribunals to the camaraderie immigrants from different cultures find in each others company.


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