Board of Directors


KBOO Board Meetings

KBOO Community Radio holds open meetings concerning the operations and programming of KBOO in accordance with requirements of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 396, et seq. as amended, and certification requirements promulgated by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Information about KBOO Community Radio's open meeting policy is also available by calling the station at 503-231-8032 and selecting extension 205. Board meetings will be conducted at 20 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214, and/or remotely via Zoom. To request notice of board meetings in writing, please e-mail

La estación de radio comunitaria KBOO sostiene juntas abiertas a la comunidad, sobre las operaciones y programas en KBOO en concordancia con los requisitos del Acto de Communicación de 1934, 47 U.S.C. 396, así como requisitos de certificación promulgados por la Compañía de Radiodifusión Pública (Corporation for Public Broadcasting). Usted puede encontrar información sobre estas reuniones de KBOO, llamando a 503-231-8032, extensión 205. Juntas directivas van a ser conducidas en 20 SE 8th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214. Usted también puede asistir estas reuniones remotamente, en Zoom. Si requiere avisos acerca de estas juntas directivas mensuales, puede contactar por correo electrónico. 


Next Board Meeting

KBOO's Annual Meeting & Board of Directors Elections
(Click here for more info)


KBOO Board meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00pm.


Join the board meeting at the station: 

KBOO Community Radio; 20 SE 8th Avenue; Portland, OR 97214


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You can join the Board!

More information about the KBOO Board & Station Governance

Board Meeting Minutes




Emma Lugo

Executive Committee, Management Union Bargaining Committee, Finance Commmittee, Governance & Policy Committee

Vice President Ona Harshaw

Executive Committee, Management Union Bargaining Committee, Governance & Policy Committee, Facilities Committee

Treasurer Joyce Nance

Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Engineering Committee, Program Advisory Committee, Nominating Committee

Board Member Jill Blanchard

Executive Committee - at large, Development Committee, Events Workgroup,  Nominating Committee

Finance Committee, Management Union Bargaining Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup
Secretary Mike Frost Engineering Committee, Development Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup  
Board Member

Barukh Kioroglo

Development Committee, Strategic Planning Committee
Board Member Yousef Mayel Development Committee, Events Workgroup
Board Member

Carmen Garnica

Development Committee, Events Workgroup
Board Member Sherry Morisch Engineering, Strategic Planning Workgroup
Board Member Charles Shambry Jr.  Nominating Committee
Board Member Josh Roberts Program Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup
Board Member James Draznin Development Committee
(Bold committee names indicate who are the board liaisons to the committee.)



Current KBOO Board Members:


Ona Harshaw


I currently volunteer at the station. I arrive on Monday mornings to sort mail, route voicemails and tidy the reception area and entry way. I have noticed that the station is in need and if filling a board position will help support the station then I am willing to serve.

I am currently on the We’Moon Homestead, Estacada, Oregon Board of Trustees working on Finance and Groundskeeper committees. I am a member of the Portland local NAACP Chapter 1120-B, on the ByLaws Special Committee, compiling a document that synthesizes Oregon State Law and the NAACP National ByLaws for use with our local Branch. I participate in The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond NW Undoing Racism Planning Committee, assisting with a host of duties to strengthen our coalition undoing, unlearning and letting go of the foundational fictions of racism in America. I am also an involved Member-Owner of the People’s Food Co-op.

I fell in love with radio while still in elementary school, sleeping with my transistor radio under my pillow. DJ’s answered letters, responded to requests, and played the music I was waiting for. About the time I became fed up with commercial radio, late in my teens, community radio was being born all across the country. My local stations were WYSO, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and WCSU, Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. I began volunteering with WYSO during fund drives in the early 2000’s. In 2004, when I took a position at Antioch College managing a scholarship program that required students to devote volunteer time to community organizations, I encouraged students to spend time at the station, among other volunteer opportunities.

About the same time I had the opportunity to take students, as volunteers, to The Free Press National Conference for Media Reform which were held every couple of years in a different major city. The students and I attended the Memphis conference, and after I left Antioch College I continued to volunteer with the Free Press Conference, attending conferences in Denver and Boston. The conferences introduced me to organizations such as Prometheus, Democracy Now!, and Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. It was a great opportunity to interact with media personalities, lobbyists and reporters who were working hard to keep radio free from commercial interests. Of course that work is ongoing.

After moving here from Ohio in 2013, I was interested in volunteering with KBOO. I was familiar with KBOO from hearing the Old Mole Variety Hour on WYSO! I took my orientation training in 2017 after I retired and began volunteering in the reception area. Since then I have helped with various fundraising events and kept a steady shift on the reception desk.

I look forward to attending the next Board meeting to find out how I can be of more support to the station as an interim board member.


Carmen Garnica

My name is Carmen Garnica. I am a long-time Radio Producer in the Spanish Language Tuesday programing at KBOO 90.7 FM. I was invited to become a part ot the Tonalli Radio Co-Op by co- producer Ivonne Rivero, who was aware of the work and community engagement I had been carrying on for many years in the Latinx and Native-American communities.

The purpose of this letter is to let you know I have been invited to be part of this Board of Directors as an Interim Director.I am interested, I have the time and the willingness to learn, participate and contribute my time and vision for a more equitable radio and community organization.

Let me share with you some of my background. I am an immigrant, but have continuously lived in the area for 20+ years. I am the mother of an amazing woman, artist and keeper of the Oregon lands. I am the grandmother of two wonderful children, one of them is challenged by neuro-diversity and living in a world that was not designed for them. I am a keeper of traditions, as per my ancestors in Mexico.

I earn my living through my business, INSOMNIA Art and Culture,an itinerant gift shoppe for the Latinx culture curious. I also work closely with the Indigenous traditions. I cultivate some of the traditional medicines used by my ancestors to heal the body, mind and spirit.

My shop was formerly housed at the M&M Multicultural market, the so-called “Flea Market” in Hillsboro. After the disruption caused by COVID-19, many micro-entrepreneurs like myself simply had to close shop. I was one of many whose rights were trampled by the lack of funds for paying the rent. Business came to a standstill and many of the small and micro-entrepreneurs lost their belongings as well. Most of this went unknown to the authorities and community, with total impunity.

This is one of the reasons why I believe in the power of KBOO and its programming as a link to underserved communities, like mine. I often ask whether people might have to wait six to ten years to learn the English language, but I tell you that WE NEED COMMUNICATION and ACCESS TO THE MEDIA now. This is one of the reasons why KBOO has been so meaningful to communities all across Oregon (and SW Washington!)

I want to thank you for your attention to this letter. I am looking forward to questions in regards to my work at KBOO in these last 7 years, the alternative media and the role of Spanish and the Spanish- speaking communities in Oregon.


Emma Lugo


Hi my name is Emma I have served on Kboo’s board twice before.  I am currently a member of the union management bargaining committee, governance committee and finance committee.  I have also semi regularly attended programming committee.  I am also part of the group Save KBOO which still meets from time to time to talk about KBOO’s culture and is a space to have honest community conversations about KBOO.  I am also a programmer with the Prison Pipeline Collective and Transpositive PDX.  I have been active at KBOO for about seven years.  I already serve on the board of two other organizations so I hadn’t planned on being active on the Board at KBOO again, but I was asked if I could consider it.  I can serve as a board member and continue my work with the Union Management Committee and Finance Committee but I wouldn’t be available at this time for a leadership position on the board or executive committee but you could count on me for participation in board activities.  I will have a scheduling conflict with another board I serve on which meets at the same time as this board so I may not be able to attend all board meetings.   A priority for me if I were chosen to serve on the KBOO board would be to reopen KBOO and to support the interim station manager until such time as KBOO is ready to hire a regular station manager.  I would also support moving KBOO toward a flat leadership structure in which the station manager is more of a coordinator of staff within the broader context of KBOO’s culture.​


Jill Blanchard


“We Madlamini Uph’umqombothi….

I hung out in music stores after high school classes ended for the day. One afternoon I left with a used copy of the “Urban Africa” compilation cassette on the top of my stack of new music to explore.

“We Madlamini Uph’umqombothi.”  I was immediately in love with this song. Yvonne Chaka Chaka was my new favorite singer and I was driving my sisters up the wall by constantly rewinding and replaying Umqombothi. 

Fast forward many years. It had been a long while since I had a tape deck or heard Umqombothi. One afternoon I was in my car headed down Sandy Boulevard. I was listening to KBOO, 90.7FM. As I passed the vintage shops on the NW corner of NE 28th Avenue, I heard the first few notes.

 I couldn’t believe my ears. Then…            “We Madlamini Uph’umqombothi” !  

Of course! Of course, KBOO knows Yvonne Chaka Chaka! It was one of those moments when I knew the universe was telling me something. Once I reached my destination, before I got out of the car, I called the station to donate. I became a KBOO member.  

Music is the reason I became a KBOO member. I value music programming that reflects the Portland community.  Radical news and public affairs along with the diverse music programming are my motivations for maintaining my KBOO membership. Higher Reasoning Reggae is one of my favorite broadcasts.

I have been a Portland resident since 2003.  Over the years, my relationship with KBOO has grown – first I was a listener, then I became a member. Over time, I felt I wanted to support the station by becoming a volunteer. 6 years later I applied to KBOO’s Board of Directors. 

As a volunteer with KBOO I worked with the Development & Events Committee. I led the planning team for the KBOO’s 50th Anniversary Block Party and have supported Book & Record Sales along with other community events.  I have also participated in phone-banking activities for membership drives. 

I served on the Board of Directors at Sisters Of The Road for 6 years. I understand the roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit, 501(C)3 – its Board and its members. I also understand the role of a board of directors (governance) is different and separate from the responsibilities of staff (operations).

My strongest contribution to KBOO’s Board will be supporting the Nominating Committee in recruiting. I have experience in training and leadership development. I will work with the Nominating Committee and the Volunteer Coordinator to develop a curriculum for volunteers/community members to complete in order to to become Board candidates. Ultimately, as people progress through the curriculum there will be a pool of strong applicants ready for Board candidacy at any given time.

I have professional experience in project management and strategic planning that I will share with KBOO’s Board as it begins work on its new multi-year plan. I will also participate in hiring committees. As with board recruiting, I will pay close attention to justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging (JEDIB) to fill vacant staff positions.

I have time to commit to Board work and activities and a passion for Portland’s community radio station. I will help propel both the Board of Directors and KBOO to a successful and strong future.


Sherry Morisch


As an activist, I’ve stood up for those less fortunate my entire life. Recently, I created a video and voice-over for gubernatorial candidate, Patrick Starnes, focused on his campaign platform initiative, “Campaign Finance Reform”. I am the co-host of Progressive Talk Radio on TV from the Willamette Falls Media Center, I manage their YouTube and Facebook page, though it’s not my show and we are still working on a format for social. I also moderate the iPA - independents for Progressive Action Facebook group and page. Currently, I’m watching over the accounts so there’s a person to connect with if needed. Most of my work volunteering focuses on 501.c3 organizations like Habitat for Humanity, the Project Management Institute, and Willamette Falls Media Center. I also advocate for small businesses and helping the homeless. My husband and I have been known to create sack lunches and pass them out to homeless people downtown and during the winter months of 2020, I volunteered with the Molalla Warming Center. I plan to protest with a local group regarding the overturning of Roe by this recent SCOTUS. I’ll be documenting the effort with video and Live Facebook feeds. 

Past coalition or Board experience - I did hold a seat on the Board of Directors of the Willamette Falls Media Center (WFMC) for 2 years. My time was in 2015-2017, this position offered me experience in running social media for a cable access television station and was very educational. I was involved in setting up social media marketing for the Project Management Institute's Portland Chapter and helped develop the MAAS (Marketing as a service) program for the Chapter. 

Why do I want to be on the Board of Directors for KBOO? Honestly, I want to be involved with KBOO, and this is my next avenue outside of obtaining a staff position. KBOO is a Portland Institution, and I believe in the foundation of the organization’s values regarding diversity and inclusion. Having led the effort to build a SAAS Marketing team with the Project Management Institute Portland Chapter, I understand the foundational importance of good leadership and how it can impact the success of organizations or bring them down. KBOO stands for equity, leadership, and progressive initiatives that align with my own, and I’d like the opportunity to help where I can and offer guidance where my skill set fits in. I want to help people grow and learn to be one with their community. 

I hope this offers enough information for you to make an informed decision. Thank you for taking the time to read this note.


Joyce Nance


My name is Joyce Nance and I'm a KBOO board member because I believe I can help. My background in various jobs, hobbies, and passions fit with KBOO. I understand KBOO's humble beginnings and its continued path towards growth. I believe in the power of communication and I appreciate KBOO's big tent philosophy and the voice it provides for underrepresented persons and causes in the Portland community

My background helps KBOO in a variety of ways. First of all, I understand business pretty well. I have a bachelor's degree in business/accounting from San Francisco State and worked as a senior accountant for many years. I also ran my own video post-production business for over a decade where I had many employees and performed all of the company's financial, HR, sales, and tech functions for my company.

I've also had many other jobs and endeavors through the years. Right now, I work part time on  America's number one progressive talk radio show. It's a Monday thru Friday three hour live show, and as a result of working on this show I have increased both my A/V technical skills and my knowledge of politics. I have a creative side as well. I perform stand up comedy around Portland as well as co-hosting a weekly political podcast called Not Right In The Head. I have written six books, including a couple in the True Crime genre. I am currently serving on the Finance, Engineering, Program, and Executive committees. I'm also the board Treasurer. 


Charles Shambry


My activist experience has been through media on TV and radio.  I have interviewed politicians and other activists who have similar mission views of KBOO Radio. My methods on the airwaves have been on a large diversity of platforms.  Cable TV interviews were showcased on public access including KBOO FM. TV broadcasts were hosted through TV Toastmasters, where I presided as President and head of its board. 

As the President over TV Toastmasters and the board, I governed over four locations: OpenSignal, TVCTV, MetroEast and Willamette Falls Media Center under the Toastmaster programming. The viewership was more than 500,000 out of about 2.4 million people in the Portland metropolitan area. I understand the FCC regulations and 501(C)3 nonprofit tax status. Toastmasters International is a global non-profit organization that trains in the discipline of leadership and public speaking on multicultural and diversity issues.  TV Toastmasters is a local chapter and club of Toastmasters where I conducted interviews on Public Access Cable TV and led all weekly meetings with senior board members.

Currently I am the Superintendent of Sharon, a non-profit organization serving over 400 members. I also host Zoom meetings as a board member, facilitating weekly meetings and presentations.  Acquainted with Robert's Rules of Order to conduct the order of business.

I have been training throughout the U.S., presenting 6-hour accredited classes on Human Resources (HR), Civil Rights, Conflict Management, Self-Development, and Diversity.  The HR classes are centered around handling employees and volunteers from a legal and employer’s point of view. The Civil Rights courses focus on privacy, human relations, legal strategies, and how to protect an organization. Conflict Management content is designed to help others deal with difficult people or peers in a business setting. In the Self-Development, I teach leadership, communications, emotional intelligence, how to manage emotion under pressure, goal-setting, and time management skills. In Diversity, I teach the importance of awareness in age, race, gender, physical and mental limitations.  I also educate attendees on Workers Compensation attached to the legal system in state and federal insurance.  My contracts with seminar and consulting groups help my students obtain Continued Education (CE) credit units for 6-hour courses. 

I want to make a noticeable mark locally and be most helpful towards my community. As a BIPOC and African-American native of Portland, Oregon, I grew up listening to KBOO radio. Before my teenage years, I would call in and special request songs. So with these wonderful memories, I was very happy to join the Evening News Team as a volunteer host and anchor. I enjoy being on the radio - it’s my calling.  KBOO has been a part of my history and I want to add to its legacy of impacting and empowering the people at large. My personal statement and motto is: To provide value to content and relationships. I hope to provide more value to the listeners, volunteers, and KBOO Board of Directors.


James Draznin



In the face of rising fascism in the U.S. and around the world, KBOO’s commitment to questioning the status quo and broadcasting and streaming progressive alternatives deserves attention.

KBOO’s training of unpaid volunteers in radio operations is also impressive. Don’t we all listen to KBOO because its programs treat our needs by informing us, soothing us, and inspiring us? Imagine a hospital that treats patients and then, free of charge, trains some of those patients to treat, free of charge, other patients. 

KBOO’s unusual practice of allowing all members and volunteers to vote for its governing board further cements its standing as a community nonprofit. 

These characteristics convinced me to volunteer as a candidate for KBOO’s board of directors. Dammit: I was elected.

I’m happily retired after a career in fundraising for a variety of nonprofits. You know the old saying: “people who can’t do, teach.” Extend that to “people who can’t teach, become charitable fundraisers,” and you understand my background.

More seriously, after 30 years in fundraising, through membership on KBOO’s board of directors and its Development Committee I now hope to share options that, if pursued, will strengthen support of KBOO.


Mike Frost


I am serving as a member of the KBOO Board of Directors. My interest is driven by a desire to give back to the community and support under-represented groups. 

I have worked in the technical aspects of audio manufacturing since 1985 which has given me a thorough understanding of audio technology. I have recent experience as a project manager which involved communication and mediation among disparate functional groups such as hardware engineering, software engineering, product management, manufacturing operations, customer service. In this role, I was responsible for ensuring that projects were completed on schedule and that they met customer requirements.

I have worked as a live sound engineer for nearly the same amount of time, so I am very experienced in the practical deployment of audio systems. I worked as a live sound engineer for Robyn Shanti when she was promoting a series of folk music events in the basement of the Melody Ballroom many years ago. I’m currently on the roster with frequent gigs as an engineer at Mississippi Studios, Polaris Hall, and Revolution Hall. I occasionally consult with other live music venues as a system engineer, tuning the PA systems for optimum sound quality.

I have always had a progressive mindset which has been amplified by recent events. I attended the first Women’s March in 2016 and the March for Science shortly thereafter. I haven’t had much time for volunteer work although I try to make up for it with recurring donations to organizations such as ACLU, Mother Jones, Planned Parenthood, and Human Rights Campaign.

I believe my mindset and experience will allow me to facilitate communication between the staff and the board regarding technical issues. I’m sure I can contribute as a member of the technical committee. I look forward to serving my community as a member of the KBOO board of directors.


Josh Roberts

Greetings!  My name is Josh Roberts and I currently serve on the Board of Directors at KBOO.  I live with my family in West Linn which has been our home for the better part of 7 years.  I currently work as a consultant and project manager for Legacy Medical Group.  I have a passion for music that stretches back over 40 years to my childhood in Ohio.  My musical interests span most genres but jazz, blues, classic rock, electronic, industrial, alternative, metal, classic country, and folk stand out the most.  For my service at KBOO, I’m looking forward to marrying up my love of music with my experience in leadership and governance.

As a past not-for-profit board trustee, I want to bring a host of governance skills to the station.  Also, as a community member and volunteer in Portland for the past 23 years, I have a familiarity with our city and region including their progressive and changing atmosphere and special place in the hearts and minds of the community.  Finally, as a business leader whose roles have involved embracing creativity and diversity in the workplace, I’ve led or participated in myriad events and activities that celebrate the spectrum of civic interests and cultures.  

My current roles on the board include the Programming Advisory Committee and the Strategic Planning Workgroup, in addition to recent work assisting with station manager recruitment and hiring.  What I want to do in the near-term is learn as much as possible about the staff and station, as well as get exposure to the spectrum of programming we offer and the community events in which we participate.  And as with any position on a governing body, my job will be to listen to and serve the best interests of the station and its listeners.





  • Interested in joining the KBOO Board?


Contact Jill Blanchard at / 503-381-7591 for more information.


email KBOO's Nominating Committee at to request an application.


  • ¿Interesado en formar parte de la Junta Directiva de KBOO?

Envíe un correo electrónico al Comité de Nominación,, y solicite una aplicación.


