KBOO Mural Update - Like Day & Night


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KBOO Mural Update - Like Day & Night

HOLY SMOKES A MURAL IS BEING PAINTED!! I WONDER WHAT IT'S GOING TO LOOK LIKE!!!!!!!  You can find the mural artwork at www.KMFillustration.com as well as other awesome KBOO art.

Please do say hello to the guy climbing the ladder with a paint brush, that would be me, Kevin Fitzpatrick.  It's been great getting to meet all of you.  And speaking of...


When: 9am until finished = ALL DAY EVENT!
What: Come down to the station, grab a paint brush and help fill in the colors on the mural!
"I don't paint": THAT'S OK!!!!!! You can just watch, converse, start up some acoustic music, start singing, bust out some moves, some jams, anything!! A mural is going to be painted, all you have to do is show up!

Awesome.. now what.. If interested in painting, bring some paint clothes, paint splatters.  But it's fun.  And that's about it.. if you want to bring leftover harvest from your garden, or overstock of your summer's yield.. bring it on down and share with the volunteers who will be painting.

KBOO Community Radio, keeping people interacted.  Keep it up.  See you on the 10th!